a. What is the trend in boiling point of the fractions? as you go lower the fractions the boiling point gets higher
b. Define viscosity the thickness of a liquid
c. What is the trend in viscosity of the fractions? higher viscosity towards the bottom of the fractionating column
What is the trend in colour of the fractions? colour gets darker when fractions have a higher viscosity
What is the trend in colour of the fractions? colour gets darker when fractions have a higher viscosity
e. Why is crude oil separated into fractions? Crude oil on its own its useless, when extracted it has lots of uses
f. What process is used to separate crude oil into fractions? Fractional distillation
g. What physical property allows this process to work? each fraction has adifferent boiling point
5.9 part g. each fraction has a different boiling point - make sure your answers are complete :)